There is a thief on the loose.

Sometimes I get the feeling that we as Christians are surprised, shocked and frightened when we see unexplainably bad behavior in others and the overall decay of society in general. While the level of utter lack of moral conscience caused by complete spiritual blindness is astounding shouldn’t we be expecting this?

John 10:10 There is a thief loose. He can be a subtle one but in the end will use force to accomplish his task.

He goes about mostly undetected but his mission is always the same, to steal, kill and destroy. According to John 3:10 this thief has children and they make this mission a family affair. As Christians we are witnesses to this activity but we are not to be part of it. When we see them going about their unrighteous business we are to be aware but not afraid. John 16:33 is our banner over fear and our identification as overcomers. No politician or government policy can offer us this type of protection. Do not trust in them.

The plans of man are ultimately doomed to fail.

The only citizenship to claim is the one found in Phil 3:20. Do not be surprised when you see the thief and his children perpetrating every damnable thing. Keep your spiritual doors and windows locked, give no opening for them to come in. Because if it is possible they will come to you and so subtlety confuse your conscience that eventually you will fall into deception. (Matt 24:24) Calling what is evil good and what is good evil. (Isa 5:20)

There is thief on the loose.